David Knights' Weblog

February 11, 2019

Movie review: They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)

Filed under: Modeling — dknights @ 4:01 pm
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Wow.  Just wow.

OK, now let me tell you why you must go see this, and go see it while it is in theaters.  Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame (and Wingnut Wings fame for all of us modelers) was approached by the Imperial War Museum (IWM) in 2013/14 to take all their archival footage and recorded interviews and do a documentary on the Great War.  He was given no specific theme, just access to all the resources and a request to do something innovative.  Boy did he.

Through the use of groundbreaking digital technologies, some of which they had to invent for this film, Jackson and his crew at Wingnut Films (yes, that is the company’s name) put together a restored and colorized version of these old films that gives real life and impact to them.  It is hard to explain how groundbreaking this film is.  Just go see it.  See it on the big screen.  The song over the end credits is great and if you stay after the credits you can watch the 20 minute documentary on the making of the film, you’ll appreciate it even more.  It will leave you even more impressed and really will make you want to hang out and have a beer with Peter Jackson.

GO SEE THIS FILM.  Needless to say, 5 stars!

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